A Lightweight Framework for Research Data Management
Dimitar Nikolov and Esen Tuna. 2019. A Lightweight Framework for Research Data Management. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) (PEARC '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA
We describe a framework for managing live research data involving two major components. First, a system for the scalable scheduling and execution of automated policies for moving, organizing, and archiving data. Second, a system for managing metadata to facilitate curation and discovery with minimal change to existing workflows. Our approach is guided by four main principles: 1) to be non-invasive and to allow for easy integration into existing workflows and computing environments; 2) to be built on established, cloud-aware, open-source tools; 3) to be easily extensible and configurable, and thus, adaptable to different academic disciplines; and 4) to integrate with and take advantage of infrastructure and services available on academic campuses and research computing environments. These principles give our solution a well-defined place along the spectrum of research data management software such as sophisticated electronic lab notebooks and science gateways. Our lightweight and flexible data management framework provides for curation and preservation of research data within a lab, department or university cyberinfrastructure.
July 2019
Conference Paper