Automated Transcription Service: Enabling Transcription at Scale for Social Science Research
Emily Meanwell, Alan Walsh, Philip Berg, and Esen Tuna. 2024. Automated Transcription Service: Enabling Transcription at Scale for Social Science Research. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2024: Human Powered Computing (PEARC '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 9, 1–7.
Abstract: "Many social scientists collect and analyze qualitative data, often originating in audio recordings drawn from interviews, focus groups, and other face-to-face settings. A longstanding challenge for these researchers has been generating a text transcript of these audio files for use in analysis. Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have transformative potential, but concerns about quality, cost, language support, security, and usability represent a significant barrier to individual researchers. The automated transcription service (ATS) is a completely serverless cloud solution that enables a managed service for social science researchers. ATS provides an easy-to-use service that converts audio in multiple languages into a standard text format with markup to assist in the final editing process."
Jul 17, 2024
Conference Paper