Cyberinfrastructure value: a survey on perceived importance and usage

Black line drawing of a stack of papers on a white circle inside a dark green square.


Praneeth Chityala, Claudia Costa, Julie Wernert, Craig Stewart, "Cyberinfrastructure value: a survey on perceived importance and usage," PEARC '22: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 2022, Article No.: 30, Pages 1-4.


The research landscape in science and engineering is heavily reliant on computation and data storage. The intensity of computation required for many research projects illustrates the importance of the availability of high performance computing (HPC) resources and services. This paper summarizes the results of a recent study among principal investigators that attempts to measure the impact of the cyberinfrastructure resources allocated by the XSEDE (eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment) project to various research activities across the United States. Critical findings from this paper include: a majority of respondents report that the XSEDE environment is important or very important in completing their funded work, and two-thirds of our study’s respondents developed products (e.g., datasets, websites, software, etc.) using XSEDE-allocated resources. About one-third of respondents cited the importance of XSEDE-allocated resources in securing research funding. Respondents of this survey have secured approximately $3.3B in research funding from various sources, as self-reported by respondents.



Jul 2022


Conference Paper