Revitalizing the Indiana Spatial Data Portal (ISDP)
Esen Tuna, "Revitalizing the Indiana Spatial Data Portal (ISDP)," Indiana Geographic Information Office GIS Day 2022, Nov 2022.
Over the past year, Indiana University's Research Data Services team designed and deployed a new platform for the Indiana Spatial Data Portal (ISDP) that allows IU to continue providing sustainable access to the geographic data housed in the ISDP. The portal includes data from the statewide imagery initiatives since 2005, statewide elevation datasets, NAIP imagery, regional datasets, USGS topographic maps, and Sanborn historic maps. The updates to the ISDP included replacing the existing portal with a new user interface and robust middleware, as well as workflows that ingested new data not previously available in the ISDP. The revised platform continues to rely on IU’s Intelligent Infrastructure for portal and server components and UITS Research Technologies storage and database hosting services for search and data delivery. Data on ISDP is stored in IU’s Scholarly Data Archive (SDA), a tape archive housed at IU Bloomington and Indianapolis in disaster-resistant data centers, with a redesigned file structure which makes efficient and performant use of the replicated tape system.
Nov 2022
Geospatial Data Services